Building a Google AppEngine webapp with Python

Today I wanted to add ReCAPTCHA to one of my web applications built with NodeJS. A quick look on my heroku dashboard showed that the application wasn’t even running anymore, and a quick search through the logs showed that I was running into a quota of the connected Redis to go instance. Before doing any real work I’d have to upgrade the underlying stack, and searching for recaptcha clients for NodeJS did not bring up anything useful for me....

18. Januar 2015 · Carsten

Using Vagrant to set up your local dev environment

TL;DR Get a virtual machine of Go read by running this commands: sudo apt-get -y install virtualbox vagrant git clone vagrant up If you want to know a bit more details, keep reading. Today I wanted to give Go read a try, an open source replacement/alternative to the late Google Reader. The setup instructions in the README are simple enough, so I decided this would be a good starting point to create a vagrant setup for the project....

18. März 2014 · Carsten