Thoughts on git commits

Over the last few days I read articles about git commits and commit messages here, here and here. I don’t know if the article are new or years old, but I started to reflect on my usage of git and how I create my commit messages. First of all, there are two differences I make: personal repositories that only I work on and that I won’t share with anyone else (although they might be public on github) and professional repositories that I share with others or where I work together with a team....

11. Juli 2019 · Carsten

Quick changelog with git

Whenever I stumble upon a quick command line that I think is re-usable and useful, I’m collecting it in my personal wiki. This way I can spare me the search on Stackoverflow when I need to repeat a mundane task again. And again. And again… Here’s the latest piece: Building a simple changelog between the two most recent tags in git. TAG1=$(git describe --abbrev=0 --tags `git rev-list --tags --max-count=2 | sort | head -n 1`) TAG2=$(git describe --abbrev=0 --tags `git rev-list --tags --max-count=2 | sort -r | head -n 1`) git log --oneline $TAG1....

17. September 2018 · Carsten