Using Infinitest with m2e in Eclipse

Iโ€™m a huge fan of Infinitest to have a continuous feedback loop from my unit tests while developing. Recently I noticed that when Iโ€™m working with m2e some of my testcases were red when Inifitest executed them, but were green when I run the Junit tests via Eclipse. After thinking about it, I figured out that all tests that were using configuration or input files from my src/test/resources folder were failing....

13. Februar 2014 ยท Carsten

Embedding the Apache Mina ftp server in your tests

Every once in a while you need some service running while executing your integration tests. Today I needed a running FTP server to test a new route in my [JBoss ESB][0] that has a NotificationList (basically a recipient list pattern with a NotifyFTP action as last action in my action pipeline, that pushes the message as a file onto an FTP server. I already configured this notification target for a local FTP server during deployment, but I because I tried to create a chain of services which all modified the XML message going through my ESB I needed a way to verify the end result of that chain....

06. August 2013 ยท Carsten